What i’m Thankful for

I am thankful for my family

it is fun

i see kindness

i love to talk to my family

i feel happy

i wonder how cats talk

i try to chase my cat

i can pet him

i am thankful for my cat

i know it is a big house

i understand its expansive

i’m fortunate because  i have somewhere to sleep

i dream to keep my house

i am thankful for my house

The lottery

Based on the words and actions of Old Man Warner in  Shirley Jackson’s story The lottery i think he is exited about the lottery. My evidence from the text is when Mrs.Adams said ”some places already quit lottery’s” and Old Man Warner said ”pack of young fools”.I think that he does not want to quit the lottery. So i conclude that Old Man Warner feels exited about the lottery.


  I wish for world peace.We should have no guns.We should stop fighting.We should share stuff.

I think we should have no guns because we should not use guns anymore.We should stop killing people.We should stop selling guns.

I think we should stop fighting. We should stop fighting because you can hurt someone. We should stop fighting because you can cause really bad damaged to a person I think we should stop fighting because you can knock someone out.

I think we should share stuff. We should share our food to homeless people. We should share our close to people. We should share our houses to people.

We all want world peace. I think we should get rid of guns and stop fighting,and we should share stuff.

I hope for world peace.